Friday, March 24, 2006
Paint Your LoveI'll paint my mood in shades of pink
Paint my soul to be with you
I'll sketch your lips in shaded tones
Draw your mouth to match my own
I'll draw your arms around my waist
And then all doubt I shall erase
A silhouette of dark and light
While we hold each other really tight
I'll paint a sun to warm your heart
Swearing that we'll never part
I'll paint the stars in the evening sky
Draw their light into your eyes
I'll draw a striking touch of grace
That shows the gentleness of your face
I'll trace your hand to hold in mine
A touching kiss to mark the time
I'll paint the trust, show how I feel
Try to make you completely real
I'll use a brush so light and fine
To draw you close and make you mine
bombed by meowmeow at 4:45 PM
What a great day!
mm did God answer my prayers?
I think so... hee
Thank you so much, Lord...
Though I am pretty stressed at the moment
with impending headaches,
but yaa lotsa things were being settled,
"ahhh" heaved a sigh of relief.
Was walking along Orchard today,
and someone was giving out a brochure on Christianity
with the church name on it...
I was praying for a good church to go to,
is this it?
hmm, maybe I will just give it a go ba... =D
Finally I get to meet my darling today,
missed him so much
I didn't even feel like parting with him just now
Anywayz, hoping I can see him soon again.
Thank you Lord for everything,
yaya, hopefully everything will go well for me
as well as things between my darling and I.
I pray for stronger faith in your Lord.
Also, pray that everything will go well for my work tomorrow
Everything's just alright for a moment now
hopefully can see a rainbow appear after the storm.
Thank you for everything. I know it's You.
I see heaven before me
Angels passing around me
Here i stand in awe of your beauty
Captured by your holiness
Lift up your eyes
All of heaven's in worship
Angels rejoice and the clouds will be filled
With the wonder of your name
With the wonder of your name
The train of his robe fills the temple with glory
Heavenly hosts fall before him in worship
Crying Holy,Holy,Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty
bombed by meowmeow at 4:15 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
My senses are awhirl,
It feels all numbed, choked with misery
as an inexplicable and profound sense of loneliness washed over me.
I am totally hungry for you...
yes Lord,
what is happening?
Why are you so far away?
I need you so much
it feels so displaced,
displaced out of my own comfort zone
Lord, please help me find a good church that I can go to
please walk with me in these shadows of darkness
please give me strength, let me be strong to face what is ahead
and please let me see your face once again.
Lord, I need renewal of spiritual growth
At this moment, I pray that my faith for you will remain stronger than ever.
In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
You laid aside Your majesty, gave up everything for me.
Suffered at the hands of those You had created.
You took away my guilt and shame,
When you died and rose again.
Now today You reign,
And heaven and earth exalt You.
I really want to worship You my Lord,
You have won my heart and I am Yours.
Forever and ever, I will love You.
You are the only one who died for me,
Gave Your life to set me free.
So I lift my voice to You in adoration.
bombed by meowmeow at 11:58 AM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Day after day after day..
I can't wait to go back to studying again
I wanna study, I wanna get good results,
then I want my DEGREE!!!
The reason that I am feeling this way,
is because of the down right materialistic society
that we are dwelling in,
everything is also certs, paper quali,
so sian...
Study ba... it's so hard to get stuffs into my stupid brains
Concentrate ba... it's so hard to concentrate when you have about 1.5 inches of lecture notes to study, approximately 2 to 3 textbooks to read up, and 2.5 inches of PBL cases to go through and research PER SEMESTER
In Anywayzzz...
I still can't wait to get back to studying
I feel like a caterpillar
rotting under the sun
and causing permanent damage to my farmer's leaves.
I feel so useless here now,
nothing to do...zzz
yaa... so go look for a job...
then wor, those jobs wor, they want job xp,
they want paper quali... =.="
no matter how competent you are,
also useless lar.
yaa working as job admin
sort out paper work,
new one, old one also go sort out
key in their entries
retype the documents
file them properly
put them in correct place
stupid job, so boring, so cold
I am the only person there
always imagine got "meiju" standing behind me
scary larrr
went for a mass job interview today
my first time in a mass job interview
there were 7 of us including me
I am the only girl... =S
those guys damn good at talking
then I just sit there and smile
ya I am very soft spoken
and I dunno how to talk
teach me baa...
actually I rather just sell chocolates in a chocolate shop
then can get to see and molest chocolates everyday
someone sit beside me and make me study my school work please?
anyone? someone? shui bian, as long as the person is human, can liao...
going to after lunch hours
betta get back to work
later kenna hoot
bombed by meowmeow at 5:22 AM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Trust enables you to put your
deepest feelings and fears in the palm
of your partner's hand, knowing they
will be handled with care
In my nineteen years in this world, I've laughed and I've cried, I've tried and I've fallen, I've received and I've lost, I've lived and I've loved. Yet the one thing that keeps me constantly reeling with confusion is the "L" word. Finally, I came to a conclusion that
love, is the most overly exhausted word in the English language, yet... it fills warm and sweet honey into the hearts of people.
Feeding my mind off Disney movies and fairytale endings, I dreamt that one day my prince charming would gallop on his white horse, shower me with flowers and whisk me away to eternal bliss in his castle build on clouds.
Hmm... my memory seems to have failed me. Go on, snicker at my childhood fantasies all you want.
Adolescent phase (enter funeral procession song) was full of obedience, school work, projects, tuition, ECA, CCA, whatever you call them, acne and girls and more girls (being in a girls school for half my life here).
I would say I never regretted going overseas? Cos finally or maybe I've got a life on my own, without much manipulation by parents. Was it a good thing or a bad thing?
Towards the end of my teen years, my life was soon filled with different type of friends or acquaintances coming from all over the world (but I know most of these friends might not last), late night hanging outs at friends.
I found myself getting excited at the measly proposal notes asking "Will you go out with me?" or words such as "I like you" from the opposite sex. Yes, most girls like attention and like to be appreciated though you don't really hear it from your girlfriends. The excitement of these proposals soon turn frightful when good friends turn against each other or two different guys who never knew each other can hate each other so much just over one simple girl.
4 different incidences happened, and I felt really guilty and sorry for it. I didn't intend for such things to happen. Yes, it feels nice to be loved but not like that. However I am glad that at least 2 out of the 4... they made peace. I never knew that dating and guys can be so frightening.
Someone suggested that I shouldn't treat guys too nicely cos they might get the wrong message? Am I treating guys too nicely? I never knew that, cos I treated them like my girlfriends too. Anyway, I decided to heed that advice and be rowdier and ruder to guys.
Yes, I had 2 relationships before. I would say they didn't work out due to lack of trust and faith, lack of communication and understanding, lots of misunderstandings and too much interferences from adults (I still don't understand why parents like to put their feet into their children's relationship, make a mess out of it, jump out without even a word of apology and think it's right for them to do so).
Maybe I was still too young, rash and indecisive. After all these, I guess I've learned the pain of a broken heart. Probably there really is a time when you find someone who seems to share the same hopes and dreams as you - someone whom you give your whole heart.
I've got a lot of life to live for, and now I've really given my whole heart to this someone special. I've learnt to trust with my whole heart and ignore whatever hearsays others may have.
Placing my hand in yours, feeling the warmth and security, the happiness comes from within.
bombed by meowmeow at 5:26 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
mmm tricky...
I haven't been blogging since like centuries ago.
so many things happened just within these few months.
I don't know where to start, how to explain them...
or should I even write them out.
pfff... anywayz, dunnit lar, I am just happy the way I am now.
bombed by meowmeow at 5:06 PM