Happiness is when everything's alright between my darling and I
Was chatting to darling almost everynight before we went to sleep.
We discussed lotsa stuffs.
Stuffs he should change and stuffs I should change.
Hopefully we can build a better future together?
Haha. =S
Dunno what the future will be like,
it's pretty scary when u think about it
What's going to happen in 7 -8 months time after I graduate?
What's going to happen next year?
What's going to happen the year after?
What's going to happen in 4 years time?
I really don't know,
where will we be?
what will we be doing?
Will I be working as a physio?
I guess as long as darling and I are supportive of each other
there will always be happiness and nothing to worry about.
well not really nothing to worry about,
but the worrying of that certain stuff will be lesser. =P
Can we always be happy together forever?
Hey da, remember this picture? You gave it to me when we first got together. =)
I really liked the old times.
The dolphin which used to have great significance for us.
How holding hands used to send tingling sensations into my heart
and bring a smile onto my face.
It does to u too right?
How I used to not dare look you in the eye when we meet up
or when we talk.
I miss you all the time.
bombed by meowmeow at 11:59 PM
Do u still Love ME?

Sometimes I wonder
if u still love me
if u still feel this spark
if my existence ever mattered to u
Sometimes I wonder
if u still feel IT
when I say "I love you"
when I give u this look in my eyes
Sometimes I wonder
if u still care
when I cry
when I frown
when I am just sitting there quietly
Sometimes I wonder
what happened to those romantic poems
those warm, gentle times
those sweet things that you used to do
Sometimes I wonder
how long will we last
how much love is there still
how much care is there
Sometimes I wonder
if we can be like before
if u are happy with me
if u still want to be with me
Sometimes I wonder
if u get my hints
if u realise what is happening
if u sense anything
Sometimes I wonder
if u are just blur
or is it u just don't care
or maybe u don't feel IT anymore
Sometimes I really don't know
Sometimes I wish things are much better
Sometimes I wish there's more love
Sometimes I wish that u can respect me more
Sometimes I wish u can be a little more sensitive
In that way, I can continue to talk to you in the sweet voice
like it used to be before, and things wouldn't have gotten this way.
Sometimes maybe it's my fault, but it's yours too.
Sometimes I wish ...
things just get back to what it was.
I really miss those days.
Looking back on the photos,
makes my heart feel happy yet longing,
makes me cry.
bombed by meowmeow at 11:33 PM