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Monday, October 21, 2013

Revamp? Nah...

I was thinking of revamping my blog, then I decided not to. Maybe later... Cos my this old blog is so cute... so 2006.
I have changed some information on my blog tho. For example, my wishlist...

This was the old wishlist: 

I have achieved some stuffs over the years:
  • Gotten my Australian PR
  • Gotten a job... well many jobs already!
  • Visited my grandparents and even stayed with them!
  • I can never grow taller, unfortunately.
  • Supposed to go on a trip to China earlier this year, but H7N9 broke out, so my parents cancelled the tickets.
  • Still wanting to go on a trip to Europe one day.
  • Still wanting to build a house
  • Kind of have a car...
  • Perfected many different kinds of cheesecake already! New York, Classic, Japanese, Chilled!

bombed by meowmeow at 7:00 PM  0 remarks
Sunday, October 20, 2013


Life in Melbourne was good and lonely. Good because it was crazy fun, lonely because My boyfriend left me alone in Melbourne after he graduated in 2009. I worked for PhysioSafe Training and Consulting after I graduated in 2008. It was an experience that not many are that privilege to go through. I had very flexible working hours and good pay. On my job, I learnt manual handling techniques, use of machines, how to assess room setups and environments, where to place objects and how to reduce risk of falls. All these were never taught in school. It was both fun and challenging working and chatting with the demented, the confused and the hard of hearing.

Working in the geriatric environment and interacting with these people, patience was cultivated and I saw death come and go. One by one of the elderly eventually passed away. Seasons came and went, flowers bloomed and wilted. Personal life stories that they had once told me became a memory waiting to fade. I remembered crying till my tear ducts went dry when residents I had worked with passed away. It came to a point where time stood so still to mourn for the dead. It also came to a point where a realization of the circle of life is natural. I stopped crying since then whenever a person I know very well died. (*at that point of time, I wondered if I will ever cry if a family member passed on). It came to a conclusion that life is short. Enjoy it to the fullest with no regrets.

Some pictures taken (Corpus Christi):

Gwen and I
Eileen, Me, ?can't remember name of lady in purple

Sr Gerardus, Me, Rita

Sr Marita, Me, Mollie

Erminia, Me, Pat

David Morrissey, Me, Sr Rita

I drank, I partied, I had lots of fun and made lots of friends during this time in Melbourne; knowing that everything and everyone will soon be gone, leaving behind only memories waiting to fade.

Some of the fun people I partied with:

Oliver and Brianna

JL and Will

SheEng and I

Johnson, JL, Will

An unforgettable memory in Melbourne

As I was waiting for my Aussie PR, I didn't dare to leave Australia as my bridging visa did not allow so. Most of my friends were all internationals and they went home during the summer break and seasonal holidays. Therefore, I was alone for Christmas, New Year Eve and Chinese New Year between the years 2009 to 2010. It became so lonely and depressing; lack of normal social interaction (demented elderly not counted) that I decided to get a puppy.

A week before Chinese New Year, I researched and planned, decided on a Toy Pomeranian. Paid for the puppy, bought its bed, food, pampers, toys, etc and almost bought a pet insurance for it. On that fateful Sunday, I went to Victoria Market to collect my puppy. It looked sleepy and weak. The petshop lady told me that because it was lunch time, so the puppy probably was tired and wanted a nap. Happy and excited, I brought the puppy home, made food for it and gave it water. The puppy never ate or drank at all for the whole day.

Feeling worried, I googled on causes. Googled stated that puppies may feel depressed from being detached from their brothers and sisters, so I gave Miko(the puppy) warmth and love. I carried it the whole time, only to hear it .whimpering away. That Sunday night, Miko started having diarrhoea. It only drank a little water and went to sleep on its bed. As I had work the following morning, I could not keep an eye on Miko. So I made some warm food and left it in her bowl on the floor. I remembered Miko looking at me and whimpering early that morning.

Halfway through work that day, it felt really uneasy, so I went home to check on Miko. Miko didn’t have strength to even stand or walk, she was just whimpering pitifully. At that point of time, I rushed Miko to a vet that the petshop had recommended for her upcoming vaccinations. Temperature checked, pulse rate checked, the vet could not find anything wrong with Miko but asked to let Miko stay a night for observation. The vet also told me that they will call me if anything happened. I agreed spontaneously.

The following day after work, feelings of uneasiness kept overwhelming me. I could not even concentrate at work. I rushed straight to the vet after work, only to find out that they were about to put Miko to sleep without informing me. They told me that since I only had the puppy for 2 days, I could just go back to the petshop (the vet is affliated with the petshop) to get a new puppy or get a refund. They didn’t even bother explaining to me what happened to Miko. As I watched Miko lying on the cold hard table, unable to open her eyes and was breathing rapidly, tears started forming in my eyes.

I watched the vet put my poor Miko to sleep then went home before bursting into tears. I then found out later that Miko had a condition called rotatovirus and it was very irresponsible of the vet for not informing me initially. I did not get another puppy after that, but asked for a refund because I had read somewhere that rotatovirus can continue to stay in your home for up to a year and can infect other new puppies.

I managed to sober up in time for the upcoming Chinese New Year 2010 that year.

*will upload Miko's pics when I get back to Brunei to my other comp*

bombed by meowmeow at 9:30 PM  0 remarks


It's been a while since I came on my blog. Wow, I just didn't expect this blog to still be here. Some links are gone... Seems like this little blog needs a little revamp!

A few years have passed, a lot of people came and went, my life have changed, a lot of things have happened in these last 5 years.

Seems like in my last blog, I was still deciding where I should be. Well, yes. I stayed on in Melbourne. Found a job, worked and stayed in Melbourne for almost 2 years before heading to Brunei and Singapore. 

My story goes like this : Melbourne --> Brunei --> Singapore Due to my long story, it will be written in different parts and posted up separately.

bombed by meowmeow at 8:00 PM  0 remarks
Saturday, January 10, 2009

"Stay In My Memory" by Bim from Gobblynne Animation on Vimeo.

bombed by meowmeow at 3:23 AM  0 remarks
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

WTH, wanna certify true copies of documents in Singapore SUPER MAFAN!
Still need to apply online and pay feee???
PAY FEE? Just to get some freaking papers stamped as "TRUE COPY"
They also wanna know reasonnn!!!
So PUASI =.="
Just stamp only marrr to show that the photocopied documents are not fake or someone go edit it or some crap.
Just one stupid stamp =.=" they have to make things so difficult.
I am pisseddddd and stressed upppp.
My mama say I shouldn't get stressed over this SMALL THING,
but this SMALL THING can cause me to not lodge my PR on time,
then what happens LATER? I dun wanna think of the freaking consequences.
DAMMNNN, why is everything so mafannn?

bombed by meowmeow at 9:03 AM  0 remarks
Saturday, December 27, 2008

What now?

Oo lalalala, finally I graduated. My long time dream has came true. Then now what ey? Have to get Australian PR so that it's easier to get a job in Australia.
But then, I am not even in Australia now... can't gao dim my PR... have to get dunno what letter of recommendation and stuffs liddat and have to register with some board lagi. So mafan. =( Dun even wanna think about that now.
I just want a good holiday.

Actually my mom gave me 3 months break to have fun and also think about where I wanna be or what I wanna do. So what now? I have 2 months left, and I can't come to a decision. I have lived in Brunei for 6 years of my life, Singapore for 10 years of my life and Australia for 6 years of my life. Where should I go now?

Brunei, Singapore or Australia. All have their pros and cons.

pros - relaxing, tax-free, low cost of living.
cons - malay controlled society which is unjust and biased against the chinese, stressful cos of the heckcare and messy system they have, poor telecommunication and technology, not much entertainment, jobs are scarce for freshly graduates, social class system which only sides the rich and famous.

pros - good entertainment life, good technology and infrastructure, higher pay than Brunei, politically and economically stable country, multicultural (just and equal society), sense of belonging.
cons - very stressful and hectic working life, more focused on quantity than quality, lesser pay than Australia, high cost of living, hard to save money based on income alone.
neither pros nor cons: pay taxes (but some of our taxes goes to CPF, which is a very clever idea devised by the government)

Australia: (I am talking about Melbourne, not sure about other parts of Aust):
pros - good entertainment life, freedom of speech, good technology and infrastructure (although Singapore is better), highest pay (compared to Brunei and Singapore), working life not as stressful and hectic as Singapore, more focused on quality than quantity.
cons - although multicultural in the European way (ie mixture of Greeks, Italians and Anglo Saxons) but still no sense of belonging, there's still biasedness against Asians in some communities, different wavelength in terms of cultural and communication differences (all internationals have no past etc), high taxes, super high cost of living.

So yaa every country is good and bad in some way. No one will ever be satisfied in any country if they have been in certain countries for long. So what ey, where am I suppose to go now?

My dad wanted me to go Hong Kong to work with him, but then hor... I never lived in Hong Kong before and I can't really speak Cantonese. If I go there, I dunno how I am going to find a job or survive. LOL. However despite all these, I have to shamefully admit that half my roots of origin come from Hong Kong.

Mm, but my dada will be in Melbourne for one more year wor, and he fought to study in Melbourne cos of me. I know he hated Australia to the core de, but he did sacrifice to be with me ba, so so I have to at least stay with him till he finish ba, that means I have to find any kind of excuse to stay in Melbourne for at least one more year right?

So it's either PR, find job or study more. PR is more worth it right? At least I can work first, or else I will be spending more money if I study and Melbourne's cost of living super high. Every year increase by at least 3% de.

But PR, can I get it or not? Australia everyday strict here and there, and money here and there de. =.= and a bit bo tai bo chi one.

Graaa... I am emo... even during my holidays. =.=

bombed by meowmeow at 2:26 PM  0 remarks
Sunday, November 23, 2008


Sometimes you wish...

this world can be perfect
goes your way
don’t have to try so hard for everything
don’t have to lose anything
time can stop
human beings ain’t that bad
can be united
people you love never disappear
you don’t have to be so tired

bombed by meowmeow at 1:02 AM  0 remarks
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

One month

It's only one month, but somehow it sounds quite long.
One month later, I will be back in Melbourne.
I am so going to miss my darling so terribly.
Being with him 24/7 made me can't live without him anymore.

I didn't know I will feel so sad like this.

bombed by meowmeow at 9:31 PM  0 remarks